Why LadyTitans??

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

🌟 Share Your Love for LadyTitans! 🌟

We want to hear from you!

LadyTitans has always been about empowering women, fostering connections, and creating a supportive space where we can thrive together. We want to hear from you: How has LadyTitans impacted your life? Has it given you the strength to overcome challenges, impacted your work/life, or helped to build meaningful relationships? Your stories are the heart of our community, and they inspire others to embark on their own empowering journeys.

Comment below one of the following questions to be entered to win a FREE pantheon ticket, or just to share your journey with another fellow or future LadyTitan member! FIVE winners will be announced on June 20th at the LadyTitans Monthly Meeting!

🌺 Why do you love LadyTitans? What has been the impact?

❤️ What do you love most about LadyTitans?

🌟 Why should others join LadyTitans?


** By commenting you are agreeing that your comment can be used in Marketing Material. Contest does not include airfare, hotel, or other accommodations needed to attend Pantheon.

Renee Lenox - Service Specialties Inc. | LadyTitans Board Member


I attended my FIRST Lady Titans Lounge meeting and was very excited to learn about putting emojis in both tags and discovered I could also use them in the customer chats. Not sure how this escaped me all this time, but I had no idea!  I also learned some more useful information about Custom Fields and how those can be utilized for reporting. VERY good to know!   

I love that I finally attended a Lady Titans meeting - it was great to network and see what others are doing in ST. 

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Congratulations to our 5 winners!

We had a total of 8 participants (minus Randi who has requested to be out of the wheel because she already received a free ticket!!)

@jessylong @dmbueno @krista-gac @rachaelbosch @knorris 

I will be reaching out to you individually with your promo code for your FREE pantheon ticket! Thank you so much for your participation and for your continued support of LadyTitans!


Renee Lenox - Service Specialties Inc. | LadyTitans Board Member

New Contributor III

yays so excited to go with my team 

Endie Long

@reneem THANK YOU!!!! 

I cannot wait!! 

Gulfshore Air Conditioning, Niceville FL
CSR/Dispatcher Group Moderator & LadyTitans Member

New Contributor III

Don't mind me just ugly crying and happy dancing over here 😭💃

Thank you @reneem ❤️🖤

Karmen Norris
Operations Manager, Always Affordable Plumbing & HVAC

New Contributor III

I love Lady Titans because of the amount of support we have for each other in the trades. I love hearing and sharing stories about day to day struggles we have not only in our trades but in our personal lives as well.

The thing I love the most about LadyTitans is  Women empowering Women.

I mean why haven't you joined Lady Titans already once a month for an hour you can shut your door or unplug for some time with Lady Titans and their amazing speakers about topics that hit you like " Wow how did they know I needed that?" 

Endie Long

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

First...I am still rather new to the LadyTitans! But wow! How did it take me so long to find yall?

So...why do I love this group and what do I love the most? How has it impacted me? Why should others join? 

I took part in my first Lounge this week and learned so much (even though it was only on memberships). I learned there are other women out there willing to voice the same questions I have that I was fearful other's would think were stupid questions. I learned things that I didn't even know were options to learn. (I started my certification and...WOW! My eyes have been opened to a lot I know nothing about or that we don't utilize). I've been part of other Zoom meetings, but when I asked a question, I was just over looked because of how many people were part of the meeting...my questions weren't answered, maybe not viewed as being important enough? But with you guys.... I didn't feel like I was just a number on a screen, I felt like I was part of the conversation, part of the group without judgement. It made me look forward to future meetings! 

I am now also part of the facebook group and look forward to reading things that are posted. One person had LadyTitan stickers made and was asking if anyone wanted one and now I have one on its way to me...which I am so excited to put on the back window of my company truck to show off! That is amazing that someone was just willing to share like that (and I really hope one day I can do something like that for others too). And the facebook group...wow. I like the masterminds group, but it is "professional"...to the point. While LadyTitans is more relatable? Personable? Someone posted about getting laid off and seeing how many people were just supportive and positive for her...made me feel good to be part of this group.

I work for a small family owned HVAC/Plumbing company. I am not part of the family. I am the only female here. I wear so many hats! (Office manager, general manager, Service/parts/install manager, HR, AP, AR, Payroll, order everything, warranty everything, process warranties...I do everything except maintain, repair and/or replace the actual equipment... and it can get rather over whelming all while playing IT support and running Service Titan and trying to study for the certification that I want so badly.     *All with a boyfriend, our 5 kids, 2 dogs and 4 cats....with an hour+ commute 1 way. Please, don't think I am looking for a pitty party. I love my job and everything I do! I love being here and the guys I work with, I might not be part of the family, but we are a family. But seeing things from other women in this group reminds me that I am not alone with some of my frustrations. 

Why should other women join? Because it would be dumb not to. The women in this group are amazing and make me feel tall. They make me feel there are no dumb or small questions and that I do have a support system if needed. They make me feel proud to be a woman in this work force. So...thank you all for letting me be here and I hope that I can one day give back the same way I have received. Still new to the LadyTitans...with no intentions of going anywhere...as long as yall will have me. 🙂 

And FYI....I love the weekly "how did I win" post. We all win!


ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

How amazing! I am so glad you found us, and that you have LOVED being a part of LT so far. This is what it is all about. We are here to help, support, pull each other up, and keep each other on top of the mountain that we all are on together! we are so happy to have you, and let us know when you finish your certificate! That is definitely an accomplishment!

P.s. check out our swag store for even more LT swag! https://bit.ly/3xkiJNf

Renee Lenox - Service Specialties Inc. | LadyTitans Board Member

Contributor III

🌺I love the support given from fellow LadyTitans!! The impact for me is making implementation of this program in the 1st year not so scary!! 

❤️The Monthly Meetings - The Lounge is awesome for learning and helping others in deferent scenarios, somethings we don't currently use but I can apply to another feature within ST. The General Meeting is AWESOME to meet new speaker that pour into the members and have inspired me! 

🌟Others should join to learn and be inspired by fellow women in the trades. We are all in this together and if we listen and help then we all will grow brighter! 

Gulfshore Air Conditioning, Niceville FL
CSR/Dispatcher Group Moderator & LadyTitans Member