

New Preview of Attached Document

Very recently on the Receipts page of Inventory, there seems to be a new feature when creating a Bill. When you upload a document to attach to the Bill, a large preview of the document appears. Is there any way to turn this feature off? It is unneces...

Resolved! Tracking Stock

Hello,We don't currently manage inventory, mostly because our technicians will buy what they need when they need it from Home Depot, Lowe's, Amazon, out of convivence more than cost. Also, we are considered an emerging trade and our Pricebook would b...

MET by New Contributor
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Sharing idea again PO's to be made for multiple jobs...even if we just could get an extra column to designate to a job! Please vote.

MirandaMel by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Resolved! Bin Locations posted this idea back when I was at a different company with different user name. I am still hoping to get some votes on this.Most inventory systems have a bin location system that is t...

MirandaMel by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Parts Supercessions to get more traction on this, if you use inventory you will know how important this is!

MirandaMel by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Inventory and cylinder deposits

Currently when I receive an invoice that has cylinders on it, I just ignore that line item. However, I am wondering if best practice would be to receive the cylinder (ex: nitrogen) and then receive the actual gas as another line (as it is on the invo...

MirandaMel by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Requesting Materials/Equipment

Hi, I was wondering if there is a feature that allows Service workers/ Technicians to request material/equipment needed for a job? For example if a technician needed a SeeSnake, he could request it and the warehouse could "check it out to that specif...

Inventory Costs in QBD do not update from Service Titan

We just discovered that Inventory Costs are not updating in Quickbooks Desktop. This is a huge issue for us. Seems like a huge flaw with Service Titan. We have too many items to manually update between both. How is everyone handling this? If doing mo...

PCarew01 by New Contributor II
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Inventory Mobile App

Is anyone using the Inventory Mobile App for counts? I have questions and would love to chat with someone!! What happens when the count is complete?does it need to be revieweddoes it automatically create +/- adjustments if it does create an adjustmen...

RandiThompson by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Resolved! Inventory Tracking - Refrigerant

How are folks around here tracking inventory via Service Titan for Refrigerant?I figure tracking it by the lb and purchasing accordingly makes sense, but our techs will bill it by a flat rate in a quantity of 1, 2, 3, etc. So if they charge 1.4 lbs, ...