Project Tracking


Credit Card Purchases for Project Jobs

What is the best practice for correlating credit card purchases for specific Jobs? We purchase materials and permits via Credit Card and need to tie them to the job we purchased them for. Any incite would be great!

Overall Project Business Unit

We assign an overall business unit to a project such as Commercial New Construction. Within that project there will be jobs performed by different business units, i.e. Service business unit will do the start-up of the system. When assigning an overal...

Project Purchasing

What process does everyone use to purchase within projects? Here is what we have tried and failed to work or we are making it work. In projects - in the purchasing tab if you just select "Add purchase order"When the PO is received the items are expen...

WPBPauley by New Contributor
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Projects tab sticky

When opening the Projects tab, we have to select a date range every time before anything is shown. Once our view appears, we can make changes, save views, and set the default, but we've still got to select the date range every time we open the Projec...

Tracking leads not yet scheduled

Is there a way to enter and track leads turned over by service techs for potential equipment replacement ( we don't have selling techs and we utilize comfort specialists )? In some cases the client doesn't want us right away due to their schedule, et...

phutto by New Contributor
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Budgeting For Very Detailed Jobs

We're an a-typical ST customer. One of the business units we have does hardscapes and installs paver patios. The jobs themselves aren't very detailed, but the options are and I'm trying to figure out the best way to put things into ST so that we can ...

codybumpus by New Contributor III
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Generate PO from sold estimate

We are trying to find a way to generate PO's for all equipment and materials needed when an estimate is sold and booked. There does not appear to be a way to generate the PO either from the estimate or from the invoice on the booked job without manua...

Sunny by New Contributor
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Project Tracking-Detailed Statement of Payments

We have a commercial customer that we do big projects for that frequently asks for a statement of all his payments. Is there something I'm missing on the project to show a statement or is running a report the easiest way to show this?

Miranda by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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