...ispatch board is not showing prior days jobs unless you change to date of the entire Dispatch Board 1 day a time and go back and look. Is there a report that will pull this information? Any help would be m...
has anyone requested or know where i can find an open jobs by customer report? I have several customers that have multiple locations ( like 20 to 50 ) and i would like a daily report that i c...
Is there a way that a tech can capture site specific information and save it to a location page? What are companies doing to record site info so that it is public for the company to see?  ...
What are the permission(s) required in order to review an invoice and if necessary, edit the invoice. This is for a user that compares inventory sales orders against PO's on the Job. Thank You...
...t is not billed to the customer? Am I creating two separate jobs, one for the labor and one for the warranty parts with the bill-to changed to the manufacturer? In previous systems I have used, i...
I would like to see the category system that is applied to services and materials applied to forms. It would make it easier for the techs to find a form. Right now they have to scroll through a list ...
...reated" TODAY, Start Date: END OF WEEK, End Date: COMPLETED DATE. When I search under Jobs I only see the First Appointment and Last Appointment Date columns.
When we order parts from an approved estimate (requisition them) and then when we receive them in, in terms of what Service Titan links the job to, what is the difference in booking the job from the ...
I have created an idea to add a field to estimates that will allow us to add external files to the estimate so you can send a spec sheet with the estimate when emailed to the customer. If you would l...