Motivational Monday! What advice do you have for new CSRs?

Valued Contributor II

Welcome to DAY 1 of National Customer Service Week! Each day we will have a discussion starter that you can comment on, and win a prize! We will be doing a daily raffle, and counting Kudos to award our winners! 

Today's opportunity: What advice do you have for new CSRs, Dispatchers or CSR Managers? Drop your comment below! And you can comment more than once! 


New Contributor III

Sign up to watch BCN (Blue Collar Nerd) updates. His updates are so easy to follow and almost each month ST has new updated release notes. These are great to follow, fun, easy and make you laugh while learning. 

New Contributor III

Advice for new CSRs, sit with a leader, take your onboarding serious, watch your webinars and ask lots of questions. If you do not know the answer, ask, there are no dumb questions...

Only dumb question, is the one you never ask!

Valued Contributor II

Thanks for sharing! Today's winners are: @JessicaSmith and @RandiThompson ! Watch for some sweet swag coming your way!

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Jessica Woodruff Smith, LadyTitans Co-Founder & Process Manager at AirWorks Solutions

Valued Contributor II

Now to find something you don't already own! @JessicaSmith  😂

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator


Randi Thompson
Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Good luck! Hahaha!

Jessica Woodruff Smith, LadyTitans Co-Founder & Process Manager at AirWorks Solutions

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Keep your eyes and ears open, absorb as much as you can. If you are unsure of something, ASK! Don't just try to figure it out. Your employer would rather have you ask upfront than clean it up later!

Jessica Woodruff Smith, LadyTitans Co-Founder & Process Manager at AirWorks Solutions