Remaining positive on calls

Valued Contributor II

Conversation topic for the group:

As a Customer Service Representative, we are the first voice the client hears so we want to make sure it is a pleasant one. However, if a Customer Service Representative is genuinely having a bad day and is upset - how do you leave everything at home and put a smile on for the day? Curious to hear everyone's tips! 

I play my favourite music, make a tea and keep some good snacks in my drawer for those days I really need them. I try to focus on the client and their problem and finding them a solution rather than on my problem. Also - solving their problem brings some satisfaction! I try to stay busy so my mind cannot drift. Sometimes if I am having a hard day I will try to do nice things for others and focus on them instead. I'll leave jokes on sticky notes for the techs to find for example. Seeing them chuckle helps! 

I'd love to hear everyone else's tips for hard days! How do you leave home at home and put a smile on for your clients? 


Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling

New Contributor III

yikes!  Yes that sucks.  I tip my hat to you for still showing up with "game face" on! 

Some days, just making it to the phone with a smiling voice is the win.


Oh !  And one more tip - I make myself be my own cheerleader, when I see myself accomplishing things that others may not know are a victory for myself, I don't hesitate to utter an enthusiastic and cheeky "Yay ME!"

It not only acknowledges my personal little triumph, but makes others crack up along with me when they hear it.

So... here's your cheer for still showing up after whatever horrendous callous person smacked your car:  "YAY YOU!!!!!" 🙂

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

I love that! Thanks for that encouragement! I will definitely remember that!

Miranda Hufford, Office Manager @ Red Barn Service, LLC

Valued Contributor II

Oh no - that is rough! Sorry to hear that but I am relieved you are safe at least. I hope it gets fixed quickly!


Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling

Contributor III

I would say make this a team exercise so that others know what/how to cheer you up if they see you down. This way you can simply have a code work in the office and then everyone knows to do XYZ.

I also would recommend doing what you already mentioned. Keep a drawer of treats, tea, or notes to cheer you up.

We just did a company wide exercise where coworkers wrote down 2-3 positive things about the Admin team. I am going to turn those into word maps for each person. 

Gulfshore Air Conditioning, Niceville FL
CSR/Dispatcher Group Moderator & LadyTitans Member

This is what my word map looks like. 

@SandraY @KhianaKlatt @Miranda @jenn_comfortmax 






Gulfshore Air Conditioning, Niceville FL
CSR/Dispatcher Group Moderator & LadyTitans Member

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

That's awesome! Thank you for sharing @krista-gac 

Miranda Hufford, Office Manager @ Red Barn Service, LLC

WOW, that is awesome!! I love it, however can't do that as I am the only one in my office.  I could always do one on myself.... 😀

Me too Jen.  Tell  ya what I will send you one and you can send me one.:)

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

I love this! Thank you for sharing 😊

What is a word map?