09-30-2022 08:07 AM
Does anyone have a technician that does more than one role in the company which also means different commission rates? I am trying to figure out how to set it up so he can have different commissions based on the job type? Right now it is a very manual process during payroll.
10-03-2022 09:30 AM
Set up a pay profile in configurable payroll for only that tech. Then set up commissions filtered for job type there!
10-03-2022 05:05 AM
Configurable payroll will allow you to set up a profile for a tech and assign different pay based on many factors, including Job Type. I used to have to watch for when my Service Techs did an install, but now I can setup a payroll profile in configurable payroll that pays them one way for Service Job Types and a different way for Install Job Types. Configurable payroll can be a beast to set up, but really allows you a ton of flexibility when it comes to paying your team for almost all the scenarios out there.
09-30-2022 04:30 PM
I found that this may be possible depending on your configuration.
You may want to reach out to your Customer Success Manager regarding setting up configurable payroll, which should allow you to set different commission rates based on job types.
For more information, please take a look at this article in our knowledgebase:
"You can add multiple filters that trigger performance pay based on the dimensions of the job such as:
Invoice subtotal
Technician BU
Invoice BU
Job type"