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Dynamic Pricing over Client Specific Pricing - BROKEN

Client Specific Pricing is used to determine the markup on Materials for Material line items on invoices. This is perfect for T&M Sales. However, if that T&M Customer wants a quote, Client Specific Pricing corrupts the invoice!!The problem is on seve...

BDJ by New Contributor III
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Dynamic Pricing not populating in areas with poor service

We use dynamic pricing for most of our products. If our guys are in an area with poor service and they build an estimate, the price that populates is the static price. They have no way of knowing this until the estimate updates - sometimes after they...

SandraY by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Dynamic Pricing vs Client Specific Pricing

Just looking for a little bit of insight. Our company is about 50% Commercial and 50% Residential. We originally set up dynamic pricing for our residential customers and created a client specific pricing rule for all of our commercial customers. We d...

Need Votes: Dynamic Pricing Warranty

COMMUNITY-I-6173 Dynamic Pricing WarrantyI would like to see a toggle similar to the toggle for an add on or chargeable material, within the pricebook on a service. When using dynamic pricing we add a replace blower motor task, the motor will be link...

RandiThompson by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Dynamic Pricing question

We are in the process of setting up Dynamic Pricing... how are y'all handling part warranty jobs. We need to charge for labor and would like to have the material automatically added BUT if we link the material it charges for it?? Seems like there sho...

RandiThompson by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Dynamic Pricing and Default Services for Job Types

Hello. I am in the beginning stages of setting up Service Titan. I've created a category of services in the pricebook called "service charge". This is our dispatch fee. In Job Types I've assigned the appropriate service charge to each job type and th...

Gross Margin Dynamic Pricing

Any reason when I set gross margin in the dynamic pricing to 40% estimates dont show 40% they show like 43%?

evodolby by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Rebuilding a PriceBook from scratch

Fun topic that nobody really talks about because it is rather daunting: rebuilding a PriceBook. My company has been with ServiceTitan for a few years now, and for our PriceBook, we have services and materials from at least 4 different versions of pri...

Nelson_Gothard by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Updating material costs

How is everyone efferently updating their material costs in the pricebook. I'm working on my "fall list" and dynamic pricing is on the list which will require an overhaul of our pricebook. But the first issue I'm concerned with is keeping the materia...

RandiThompson by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Price Builder: Gross Margin and Markup

Client Specific Pricing and Dynamic Pricing use different markup methods. This is confusing. We built dynamic prices using the default option for Gross Margin (which has always been our preferred method). In Client Specific Pricing that option is not...

BDJ by New Contributor III
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