Timesheets and Payroll



I am writing to inquire about the possibility of integrating an overtime notification feature with Service Titan. This integration aims to improve our efficiency in managing and tracking overtime hours by automatically notifying relevant personnel wh...

Close Payroll Period

Does anyone know if there is a way to close a payroll period without using the accounting periods feature? We want to make sure that no changes are made to the timesheets or manually entered adjustments once payroll has been processed.

Performance Pay for Weekly Invoice Totals

Is there a way to create a configurable payroll for technicians to be paid based on a weekly invoice total rather than each individual invoice subtotal? This weekly invoice total would then be paid commission based on a % pay scale with a minimum dol...

areimers by New Contributor
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Resolved! Timesheets

I am looking for a report or a way to get hours worked and prevailing wage hours worked. And ER call out hrs. worked. On a report with the total for each technician. Looking for suggestions. we are a small shop and are expanding. We use our accountan...

Timesheet report for total hours by Activity

We use the timesheets for the technicians in ST, and at the end of the week I need to pull a report showing the total hours keyed to each activity.I.E. we have "Shoptime" and "Meetings" as an Activity in the timesheets. At the end of the week I need ...

Piccinini by New Contributor II
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Paid Meal Breaks - Idea

It would be great if Service Titan could add the option for timesheet codes that allows meals to be paid. Currently, you cannot deactivate this timesheet code "meal" and you cannot adjust it from unpaid to paid.

lmagda by New Contributor
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Rounding Hours to 15-minute intervals

Most payroll programs round payroll time to the nearest quarter hour or 15-minute interval. Service Titan tracks job time by the minute but does allow for the billing by the quarter hour interval. Why doesn't payroll in Service Titan round to the nea...


Our techs are not using the I-Pads yet. Does anyone know of an easier way to do timesheets? We do input their timesheets for the Jobs, but some jobs have multiple trips out to the service location and without them using the iPads. I haven't found an ...

Wwoods by New Contributor
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