Memberships or Service Agreements


Membership Best Practices

Hey Community Members, I am wondering how other companies structure their memberships in Service Titan? Do your memberships differ from tune ups? How are you tracking your deferred revenue? How are you balancing getting to aged equipment and young tu...

mquigley by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Resolved! Enterprise Plus Office Users vs. ?

Our bill shows that each office user is an "Enterprise Plus Office User". This has me thinking, are there other levels/types of office users other than this? My concern is that we are paying for office user accounts that may not need such an elevated...

Laerec by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Membership Billing

Is there a way to change the membership bill date when the customer has had an ongoing membership that has been billed on a specific date monthly for a while? This issue has come up before but we have always answered "No we can't change the date." I ...

Recurring Service Events

Hi, we currently have our Recurring Service Events (2 per year) set to Seasonal, which has them fall in a particular Month. Has anyone found a way to have them fall 6 Months & 12 Months after the date on which the Membership is sold? We've tried sele...

Reoccuring Inspection/Jobs

Hey everyone, We recently lost our Membership person and we are in the process of setting up monthly salt deliveries. What is the best way to set this up as a recurring appointment? I appreciate your feedback. This is the one area I am not well verse...

KristinS1 by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Customer Membership Type

Hi,Can you change an active membership type ? Like if we deactivated the membership type that customer has... Can we update/change that Membership Type? Or do we have to cancel that membership all together and make a new one?

Resolved! Commercial Memberships

Hi, so we currently do all Commercial Memberships customized to that individual company. Therefore, would I have to set up a new membership type for every single company? None of the two are the same.