Our employees receive a flat rate allowance for being on-call regardless of weather they go on a call or not. I am unsure how to add this Standby pay into ST for job costing/department revenue purpos...
I am looking for a report or a way to get hours worked and prevailing wage hours worked. And ER call out hrs. worked. On a report with the total for each technician. Looking for suggestions. we are a...
Is anyone else running into an issue when trying to add "holiday pay" to the timesheets? It's adding the "holiday hours" into the regular hours worked and trying to pay out overtime.
When I look at the payroll approval dashboard it is showing the performance pay on the technicians. When I run the Master Pay File, Run Payroll Report, or Master Pay File by Pay Period then th...
Hi Everyone! My name is Clayton, and I'm a senior payroll implementation specialist here at ServiceTitan. I primarily focus on setting up Configurable Payroll with customers who are looking to...
We pay our techs $125.00 per piece for a Tech Generated Lead. For example, if a tech flips a lead and a salesman sells a heater only. They get $125.00. If the salesman goes out and sells a full syste...
So I was trying to find out why my burden was not showing up on service tickets. If I have read right, I need payroll active? We are processing payroll now through QB and I don't want to switch. How ...
We are working towards doing payroll using ServiceTitan however I am running into a problem not being able to figure out how to put things like our on-call spiffs in there. Right now we have an excel...