Good morning. We are currently moving a technician up to a service apprentice position. Is there a way I can create a report to pull which customers has this technician set as their preferred technic...
...oin and learn with others! Register by product at the links below. Please only sign up for one time slot per product. Marketing Pro: Reputation Management:
...nowledge on ST? Work on cleaning up your customer db? Training??? Review your marketing strategy? Curious. It's easy to point to your bottom line when times are busy and say you are "crushing i...
For the people that have Ads Optimizer turned on. Have you all found a work around for getting charged for existing customer "leads"? My hang up is that I was told they can not decifer between ...
I am looking for a way to add sound to our marketing pro emails. Are imported files suppressed or do they require approval? Basically I am trying to alter a templet adding sound and animation. Does a...
I was in an email conference today and they mentioned that Gmail and Yahoo are making some stricker guidelines for senders and they are requiring some further safety authentications by using DEMARC. ...
Greetings to all Titans, I have a question regarding review generation. To me there are a few methods in which to garnish the reviews, outside of the employee on site obtaining a review. In my opini...
Is there a way to create a Marketing PRO audience based on the date the job was created? We'd like to send a specific welcome email the day after a client books a particular type of service.
I remember it was mentioned at one of the Marketing breakout sessions at Pantheon with new sizes coming for Direct Mail postcards. I think 6x9 and 8.5x11 was mentioned. Is there an ETA on when one o...
How many working hours would you say it takes to get Marketing Pro up and running? I heard it was a lengthy process but I would like to start using it ASAP if I have the time to spend right now w...