Timesheets and Payroll


Modifying timesheet print out

We are just starting to use ST timesheets for hourly employees. I find the printed weekly timesheets has more information on them than we need at this point. Is there a way to modify the timesheet?

lnorse5588 by New Contributor III
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Unable to add timesheet entry

When I go to edit employee timesheets some dates appear with the add entry option greyed out (despite having the tech scheduled and completing jobs on these days) and sometimes the days do not appear at all. Any help explaining why this is and how I ...

No entry.png
mleahy by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Helper Splits

Why is it Helpers cannot have splits assigned to them? Has anyone else had issues with this? We use splits to assign a percentage of the job's production to each person executing the work. I noticed they allow it on zero dollar invoices but not on an...

BDJ by New Contributor III
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Clock in/ out lock outs

Food for thought:We've had issues with some of our techs abusing the "free" clock in time, eating the clock in the mornings and not doing work tasks until 8 am, yet clocking in at 7:30. We were looking into having the clock in feature "locked" until ...

skelly24 by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Unpaid Time Off

Is there a way for employees to enter Unpaid Time Off for future date in the same week? My colleague tried entering Unpaid Time Off for this coming Friday and it wouldn't let her do it.

cclarke by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Dynamic Price and How it Affects Commission

Bonus pay per task is great, but since we lock in our commission amount instead of a %, it would be great to have multiple bonus $ options with the new Dynamic price.A percentage bonus doesn't help much if we have to raise our prices due to a materia...

brendasc by New Contributor
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Third Party Payroll & HR Suggestions

We are researching third party payroll and HR service providers because Payroll Pro will not work for us. We would greatly appreciate feedback from anyone who has integrated a third party payroll and HR system successfully while using Service Titan. ...

Resolved! Holiday Pay

Is anyone else running into an issue when trying to add "holiday pay" to the timesheets? It's adding the "holiday hours" into the regular hours worked and trying to pay out overtime.

knsmall by New Contributor
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Technician Timesheet Summary by Pay Period

Hello,Could this report be in alphabetical order? Preferably by last name but at this point any alphabetical order would be great. When we add new employees it is at the end and alphabetical order would make more sense.If there is a way to fix this p...