Timesheets and Payroll


Resolved! Guardrails for Clock In/ Clock Out?

I know a lot of companies have rules about how early before a shift you can clock in, timeclocks that don't allow anything prior to 15 min early, etc. I have a specific group of "technicians" that are notorious for clocking in at 6am (or earlier) and...

ashsmith by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Inova Payroll Processing

After several months of utilizing a new payroll service, we have several employees that do not appear to be categorized correctly for workers comp reporting once their time syncs with the payroll service. Has anyone else had similar issues and how we...

Multiple technicians manual timesheet

Is there a way to enter manual timesheets to a job but only have to create the times once? For example, we have installers that work in pairs on a job and they do not use mobile devices to clock in or out to a job. These are entered manually by the o...

modernai by New Contributor
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Is anyone else having issues with performance pay not being paid for any of your techs? Ever since the last update our price book "pays commission" tab has been clicked off. I've been on the phone with ST all morning and still on hold with them at th...

ddmcrystal by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Prevailing Wage

There use to be a box you can check to mark a job as prevailing wag for a customer. I noticed that it's no longer available. How do I set up a job as a prevailing wag job?

lynettaj by New Contributor II
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Payroll reports needed in one format

I am having issues matching reports for payroll due to the timesheetsummary calculating time in minutes 15, 30, 45 and the technician timesheetwith tech info showing 15 minutes as 25, 30 minutes as 50 etc. can youchange our master setting and make al...

accounti8 by New Contributor
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Hello!We had a tech start on 10/5 but he did not get put into Service Titan right away. Since he did not get put in right away, I am unable to edit a timesheet for him for the week prior so his hours are not shown on the jobs correctly. Anyone know a...