

Entering Pesticide & Insecticide

Hi there,The company I work for is new to Aspire. Is there a way to input insecticide and pesticide used at a job site? It would nice to have the applicator apply the product, document it in Aspire, and then email the work ticket to the customer. Tha...

Kparris by New Contributor
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Lead Technician Actions

Allow this Lead Tech to ASSIGN other techs to a job in Mobile. (They can only do this from Office)This mobile function only allows the Lead Tech to dispatch, arrive, send on meal breaks, mark others as done...but NOT assign them.

Resolved! Estimates - esign option

We recently discovered that we could send out estimates with the e-sign capability, however when our customer clicks the link to view the estimate, the picture that defaults is a light bulb! We would like to change that to our logo or a different pic...

cmzortman by New Contributor II
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Requiring picture's

How to you make it a requirement for the technician to upload certain picture's before closing out a job?

BowmanJ by New Contributor
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Customer Calls via Mobile - Poor Sound Quality

Our techs have been experiencing poor sound quality and delays when speaking to customers via the ST app, e.g. when calling the customer through the app.They are in an area with good voice/cell and data signals.Sound quality is clear with no delays w...

d1nonly10 by New Contributor III
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Proposal & Estimate Template Categories on mobile

I think a great way to impove the workflow and efficiency on the mobile end would be to add the option to have categories to proposals. Right now We have a lot of proposals for multipe repairs and replacements, but they are cluttered and all over the...


Offline Synching Issues??

Does anyone else have issues with synching issues with "offline" technicians (no service)? We've had a few instances where techs will be out in the field, fill out required forms, and then are able to close out their jobs. On their end things look ok...

msjewell23 by New Contributor III
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