Call Booking


Job Type & Business Unit Fields on Job Booking Screen

If we accidentally click in the box but aren't ready to select a job type or business unit, can you make it so we can clear the field? The other fields that are set up to populate based on these choices create confusion and extra work to correct. For...

pldismai by New Contributor
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Week Prior Customer Reminder Notifications

YES! This is so needed within Service Titan. The day prior many customers knee jerk and reschedule as they didn't plan. A week prior reminder, then the day before is perfect especially for us that schedule out our PMP's a year in advance. Please cons...

buzzneil by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Double and triple Maintenance - overbooking issue

Hello, We end up overbooked because our CSRs will book double or triple maintenance, but it only allows them to use one 2-hour window to book the call. We then do not have the space to stretch that call out to 2 windows to give the technician ample t...

lmacneil by New Contributor
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Resolved! Adding new locations - Based in Canada

HowdyI am located near Vancouver, BC, Canada. when i go to either "create a new client" or "add a new location" to an existing client. The search bar never offers address suggestions or auto populates. Are there some canadian titan users

MattJet by New Contributor
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Resolved! Appointments

Is there anyway when you have multiple appointments on a job to move todays appt to the top of the list?

lnorse5588 by New Contributor III
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New customer lead and coversion reporting

Our company receive needs for multiple sources. (, inbound calls, website, Etc.) We also do use an Outsource call center for after hours. We are now trying to integrate leads in service titan into our reporting to monitor the conversion from...

sthiel by New Contributor
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Dismiss Multiple Bookings?

We recently integrated WinGen into Titan for our Costco leads. When we did this it ported 400+ leads into the bookings tab. Our previous process with these leads was managed through the Costco Centah portal so these "new" bookings are old leads that ...

Adding recurring services to accounts

Is there a way to be able to search through our list of recurring services when creating one for an account? We have 30+ different recurring service types and it used to be you could search which one you were looking for, now we have to scroll throug...