

Summary of Findings

Hello, we currently utilize a SKU as the way technicians are putting summary of findings on every estimate. With estimate templates we have technicians complaining about having to copy and paste their summary of findings into every estimate and it is...

barbara_6 by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Viewing Service Titian Forms As PDF

We created a form using Service Titan's build a form to better help communication from our sales team to our install team. Creating the form was very easy. Sales team love it as it is supper easy to fill out all the required information to have a suc...

Butters by New Contributor
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Emailing Forms After Job is Complete - Location Only

We are in need of a feature where the forms filled out by the techs in mobile, and are automatically sent, are only sent to the emails on the location page (not on the customer page)We have a few customers that use a billing company that needs the in...

taylore by New Contributor II
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New feature!

It would be awesome if service titan had a feature where customers were able to sign estimates through the estimate portal. Allowing them to accept sign, and date an estimate and it still converts to sold and notifies the office to schedule.

Akligmann by New Contributor
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Photos - Data Management

The inability for files to be renamed in bulk is a huge hurdle we have yet to overcome. It requires that we still use 2 different systems to house photos which is not ideal given what we spend monthly for ServiceTitan....Not only would we would like ...

lacwilson by New Contributor II
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Titan Score using Chat

It seems our Titan Score is going down because of our response time using Chat. Our CSR's Respond immediately. Not even a minute goes by. Could anyone give me some insight on how to increase our score or what is causing our score to go down because o...

Ameredith by New Contributor
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Resolved! Technician Two Way Chat

Question: Do they have to be on the job to chat or can they chat any job they have permission to see? Hoping that my salespeople can chat with their follow ups.

JessicaSmith by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Adding a signature field to pdf forms

So in the new release, ServiceTitan announced that ServiceTitan Mobile now supports signature fields added to .PDF forms using software like Adobe Acrobat. With this change, signature fields will open in a pop-out so customers can easily provide a si...

wshank4 by New Contributor
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Why can't a tech unsell an estimate from the field?

A tech should be able to unsell an estimate from the field. Obviously if the work has been booked to another job they wouldn't be able to, but this should be a permission-based setting that techs have access to.

Collecting Payments with QR Codes

I would like to get a QR Code payment option implemented.When the job is complete and the tech goes to collect, a QR Code option would be a payment method in the drop down menu along with "Cash, Check, Card, Greensky Financing". This would allow the ...