

QuickBooks Desktop Classes

We have an issue where anytime hours are tied into customer jobs it does not classify in QuickBooks Desktop. All other hours for office employees, idle time auto classify. The only thing not classifying is tech hours on a job.Any help or insight is a...

Customer Statement - Outstanding Balances??

Does anyone have a better solution to printing and emailing customer statements, so there is a total outstanding amount clearly called out on the statement?The current PDF groups balances not yet due along with balances that are up to 30 days past du...

jpovey by New Contributor III
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Customer Stement

Is there a way to edit the columns on a customer statement?

acaroluzzi by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Moving Payments

Is there no easy way to move payments from one account to another?

SheriKro by New Contributor III
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AutoBatching not working?

Is anyone else's auto batching not working? Our invoices are not auto batching and our credit card payments are not either. Support has not gotten back to me, so is anyone else having this issue?

KristinS1 by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Resolved! Applying a credit/refund to an exported invoice.

I need to apply a credit to an invoice that has been exported, but no payment has been made as of yet. Can I just apply a refund through the payment screen or do I need to do an invoice adjustment?

gamorosano by New Contributor II
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Cost of Sales Mapping and Reconciliation Report

Hello,I am curious if there is a report within Service Titan that allows the users to Reconcile the Cost of Sales Accounts (i.e., Materials, Equipment, Labor) to QuickBooks that is similar to the Revenue by Account report that is used to reconcile th...

Marc2023 by New Contributor
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Accounts Receivable Aging Report - ST reconciliation to QB

When running the AR Transaction and AR Transaction by Customer Report, how are the aging buckets being calculated? Are the aging buckets based on invoice date or invoice due date? Additionally, I am noticing instances where the total column in the re...

Marc2023 by New Contributor
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export error

I am currently trying to export a couple invoices and payments. However I am getting an error msg saying 500- internalservererrorr. What does this mean. I tried pulling a pending export report but there is no errors on there. Not sure why this is all...

lkind by New Contributor II
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