Call Booking


Arrival Window Issues (showing each business unit)

All of a sudden, our arrival windows are now separated by business units. We did not change any settings. All window times are set to "All Business Units". Our arrival windows are the same, regardless of business units. Can we change this back to how...

vtadros9 by New Contributor II
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enriched text for job summary

It is great that we can now do bold, italics, etc in our job summaries... BUT not across all of ST. You can't use enriched text in setting up your job type's preset summaryYou can't do it in a job booking on the call screenOn the job page, if you use...

Resolved! Spam Phone Calls

Is there a way to block Spam calls through ST? Or mark a number as spam so it automatically gets the Spam reason on the Close & Classify screen.

STAT Holidays showing on Calendar

Does anyone else find it frustrating there is no option to see stat holidays or employee time off on the calendar? it drives me crazy service titan doesn't have this for their calendars and you have to do it manually

caitymo by New Contributor
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Resolved! Add Tags When Building New Customer

(please bear with me I'm very new to Community)It would be very helpful to be able to add tags to a new customer account when creating them the first time they call instead of going back and adding it in later. Is there a way we can get this feature ...

Booking Confirmation

It would be really nice if we could specify the booking confirmations. We do a lot of different jobs in the pool business so customers get confused on what we are coming out for with the generic booking confirmation.

Dismissed Booking

It would be nice to be able to undo a dismissal of a booking. My company requires payment up front so when they pay the same time they book and we dismiss it, we do not know where that money goes. Also some people do make mistakes and then a customer...

Notifications from Techs texting CSR back on Dispatch Board

We are constantly texting our technicians through the Dispatch Board. A nice feature would be for us to somehow get a notification that stands out on the Dispatch Board when the technician texts us back. With so many techs that are constantly dispatc...

eesposit by New Contributor
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