Is any one lese all of a sudden having issues editing time cards for office employees? Just recently i can no longer edit there time cards only.
Why not have a text to speech in the invoice summary? That feature would eliminate so many follow-up questions. Just a consideration....
Currently, we cannot adjust splits for unmanaged technicians. This means we cannot fully utilize the crew management functionality. When will we have the ability to adjust splits for both leads/helpers (managed AND unmanaged technicians) on jobs?
Good morning! Is there a way to search TGL (Tech Generated Leads) by the name of the specific technician?
Is there a way for office employees to run a customer through GreenSky to get approved? Is it only techs using mobile that can do it? If so, that's very inconvenient.
I would like to be able to select multiple recurring service types in the follow up tab, instead of just one at at time. When you have multiple tiers of memberships, the only options are one at at time, or "all".
Is there a way to determine geographical location of maintenances in a certain area, so that we can cover 1 neighborhood, all maintenance customers, for the same week or days.. This will reduce travel times back and forth to that neighborhood over
We would like to customize the confirmation and reminder appointments by business unit - is that possible?
Resolved! Does it make sense to anyone that when you rescheduled an appointment you have to manually remove the hold? Wouldn't it make more sense if the hold was removed automatically when you reschedule the job?
On the new dispatch board update, it does not show you the day- such as Monday or Tuesday etc. The old one showed the day at the top so you knew at a glance. Now you have to actually click the calendar to see the day. Is this something that can be added?