

Payables - Vendor editing permission

It would be helpful for employees who do not have access to Settings to have the ability to edit vendor information for the Payables feature. For example, we would like to grant permission for our Accounts Payable specialist to edit the remittance ve...

ngoggin_ by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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NSF checks and other payment issues

Hey @LREADER . I saw your idea concerning NSF checks. I felt your pain but don't anymore. If you lookup the exchange titled "Returned checks, disputed card payments, and anything else that is a negative payment" in this section of the community, you ...

michael21 by Contributor III
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Statements have become jumbed

I tried to print the statements for this month, and the addition of new information has made the lines too long for the paper and it is making the last digit or two of the invoice # and prices shift to the 2nd line. I started a help chat through Serv...

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Statement now jumbling up invoice numbers and prices

I just went to process monthly statements today and noticed a column has been added for "Project Invoice #," which has in turn caused invoice numbers and prices to become jumbled up on multiple lines. For example, a $1,658.95 invoice total now reads ...

cecilshv by New Contributor II
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Payment details on printed invoices

Hello, I think it would be really wonderful if we have the option for payment authorization codes to show up on printed invoices not just in the system. I believe most businesses would also love to have authorization codes of payments on the printed ...

Phone number appearing on estimate and invoice

Hello,It would be nice to have the customers phone number show on the estimate and on the invoice. It could be located under the job address or bill to address. If you print it, then you have to go back into the system to get the customers phone numb...

Melurban by New Contributor
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PCI Compliance

Our company failed a PCI compliance test and I am curious if anyone has recommendations of service providers to help with the PCI compliance process and questionnaires? I am a little overwhelmed by the 150 questions about our computer network and hav...

serickso by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Invoice Email Confirmation

We have an unacceptable amount of email invoice recipients which say they never received there emailed invoice.It would be very desirable we could log if they have opened the invoice and the date/time (similar to the estimate program). Better yet... ...

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