

Missed Meal Break Stopping Clock Out

Hi! Hoping someone can help me - If my technicians are on an all day job and don't take a meal break, they are receiving an error code that they can't clock out because they didn't take a meal break. Can I turn this setting off?

kimrahn by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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View saved credit card in mobile

Is there a way that our techs can verify that a card has saved to a client file? We are not looking for them to see the card number, just a verification that the number has saved.

MirandaMel by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Technician Dashboard

Does anyone know how to edit the technician dashboard to show sold hours? Close rate %, total revenue and average sale $ are great but we expect our team to bring their indiviudal sold hours to the daily team meeting every morning.

BRingland by New Contributor
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Mobile version video instruction

Hey you guys, Since the new update to ST, I have been able to locate the Blue Collar Nerd tutorial video, which was very helpful for inner office operations. However; I'm sure there were also changes to the mobile side. Do you know if there is an ins...

No Internet Connection Despite Network Connection

One of our technicians mentioned that he is unable to see any of the photos he takes on a job when he is trying to email them to the customer. This just started for him a couple of days ago. I did all of the I.T. troubleshooting, uninstalled and rein...

jaquelin by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Building Estimates In Mobile

We are having the worst time trying to set up our estimates in mobile. Essentially, when our technicians go into "make an estimate" on the mobile job side, and try to add the pre-priced services from Pricebook Pro, it only shows a $0 cost. Not the pr...

JFish by New Contributor
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Resolved! Forms Disappearing

Has anyone had issues with forms automatically deleting after the tech has filled them out? It seems to have just started. I had the tech do a tablet update and log out and log back in.

acaroluzzi by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Mobile App Modifications

Hey Everybody,I have two questions that I am looking to get help with. 1) When in the field using the mobile app how do I look at a customers info in our database that is "not" in my history tab? Example; I get done with my day early and I want to go...

Academy and Galaxy Tab A7 Lite

Hello. My technicians are able to access the Academy on their Pixel phones but the link is not working when they try to use it in the mobile app on their Samsung tablets. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a solution?'Thanks in advance.

tmmill03 by New Contributor
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