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Resolved! Accounting Module Best Practice Question

I was looking for a best practice method and wondered if anyone could assist with this accounting module question. I'm trying to develop a good workflow to follow as a newer ServiceTitan user. I've been told the best practice is to batch daily for in...

hannahpope by New Contributor II
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Will service titan be working on a way that the information when entered into the management side will flow automatically in real time into Quickbooks so you would not have to batch anymore and can eliminate mistakes form double entries. Fieldegdge a...

bba7701 by New Contributor
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Batching Checks

After the lastest update the only way to batch a check that has been entered is to go to the accounting screen. Before the latest update you could batch a check that has been entered by going to the invoice. You were able to just batch the check with...

cynthiao by New Contributor II
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How to edit "Remit To" on statement

We recently noticed that when sending statements to customers either by email or printing, the "Please remit to:" at the top right is blank underneath. Where can we add this information? I have looked under email settings, business units but haven't ...

dyan_the by New Contributor II
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Workflows for Batching

Who does your batching? We're thinking about having dispatchers batch since they are ensuring proper billing for the jobs that are completed.

joeviars by New Contributor
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Partial Payments for jobs not ready to complete.

How do you deal with partial payments? Several of our customers pay a deposit and then the rest upon completion of the job. The problem is I can't batch and export the invoice until the job is marked complete. So how do I batch and export the payment...

Rita_C by New Contributor
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Customer Name Hyperlink in Batching

It would be EXTREMELY helpful if Customers were a hyperlink in "Batch/Export Transactions" under the accounting tab. Customer names are already a hyperlink in so many other places throughout the system. Currently the invoice number is a hyperlink, wh...