Call Booking


Scheduling with Contractors

We have recently discussed adding General Contractors to our list of clientele. Our challenge is how to set them up in Service Titan. Our goal is to be able to send the estimate to the General Contractor without sending it to the homeowner. Also, the...

Angi Leads

Hi everyone-If you are using the Angi Leads Integration (linked below), how are you recording the leads for follow up that are not booked as calls?Re: angi leads integration

charringtonPSB by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Resolved! Calls bubble notification

On the Calls screen, why is there a Manual Job button and also a Manual Call automatically created by the system outlined in blue? You can discard and close the Manual Call but it soon reappears. This manual call created by the system makes a red not...

Topahill by New Contributor
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Resolved! It would be great if admin could delete recorded calls

Sensitive phone calls WILL come in, and if you or the person answering the call cannot "pause" the recording, there should be an option for the admin to delete the recording.Secondly, we noticed private voicemails to individual extensions are being r...

Resolved! Customer's thinking we are a scam

Good morning everyone!As the main CSR in our HVAC company, I make a lot of outgoing calls. When I call customers to remind them to book in their maintenance or to book them in for a recall the trouble I have been finding is many people are super hesi...

KhianaKlatt by Valued Contributor II
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Resolved! Arrival Windows

Has there been any thought to creating an arrival window labeled first call. So many companies only guarantee the first call of the day which is a set time. Can we create an arrival window label first call instead of an actual time or is there a work...

Jimb1979 by New Contributor II
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Booking Widget - Adding additional form fields

Hello, It'll be useful for streamlining operations to be able to add/delete form fields for the booking widget. There are a lot of use cases where the company may want to ask additional questions or not ask questions that are pre-defined in the embed...

Step 1.jpg Step 2.jpg
Jesus-M by New Contributor
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