
How to edit "Remit To" on statement

We recently noticed that when sending statements to customers either by email or printing, the "Please remit to:" at the top right is blank underneath. Where can we add this information? I have looked under email settings, business units but haven't ...

dyan_the by New Contributor II
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Statements have become jumbed

I tried to print the statements for this month, and the addition of new information has made the lines too long for the paper and it is making the last digit or two of the invoice # and prices shift to the 2nd line. I started a help chat through Serv...

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Statement now jumbling up invoice numbers and prices

I just went to process monthly statements today and noticed a column has been added for "Project Invoice #," which has in turn caused invoice numbers and prices to become jumbled up on multiple lines. For example, a $1,658.95 invoice total now reads ...

cecilshv by New Contributor II
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The management needs a detailed invoice for each job in order for it to be approved. Right now they are printing them all out, letting management approve each invoice, and then printing again with changes. We were just trying to cut back on paper and...